Vallorbs is a member of the VAL-CO family.

The VAL-CO Board and management are committed to guiding their businesses
based on the following Core Values. These principles are non-negotiable, support everything
that we do and define our corporate culture. While we are imperfect people and may
at times fail ourselves and others, we are committed to holding each other accountable
so that our behavior reflects these Core Values.

Biblical Principles

Our core values are aligned with God’s Word and reflect Christ. God has
temporarily entrusted His company to us and we should honor Him in all that we do.

Value People

VAL-CO recognizes the importance and value of our employees and their families,
and our customers and vendors. Each of their contributions are an integral part
of the company’s overall success.


We act with honesty, not compromising the truth, in the face of all obstacles. While business
results are critical, how results are achieved are as important as the results themselves.


VAL-CO will always strive to deliver the value that our customers, employees,
shareholders and other business partners expect every time we interact with them.


We have a responsibility to earn consistent and satisfactory profits for our shareholders,
and to reinvest in our people, products and processes.


As temporary managers of God’s company, we will be good stewards of the profits
that He has allowed us to earn, by sharing with those that are less fortunate.